# # Build and Setup U-Boot # # Load utility functions . ./functions.sh # Install gcc/c++ build environment inside the chroot if [ "$ENABLE_UBOOT" = true ] || [ "$ENABLE_FBTURBO" = true ] ; then COMPILER_PACKAGES=$(chroot_exec apt-get -s install ${COMPILER_PACKAGES} | grep "^Inst " | awk -v ORS=" " '{ print $2 }') chroot_exec apt-get -q -y --force-yes --no-install-recommends install ${COMPILER_PACKAGES} fi # Fetch and build U-Boot bootloader if [ "$ENABLE_UBOOT" = true ] ; then # Fetch U-Boot bootloader sources git -C "${R}/tmp" clone "${UBOOT_URL}" # Build and install U-Boot inside chroot chroot_exec make -C /tmp/u-boot/ ${UBOOT_CONFIG} all # Copy compiled bootloader binary and set config.txt to load it install_exec "${R}/tmp/u-boot/tools/mkimage" "${R}/usr/sbin/mkimage" install_readonly "${R}/tmp/u-boot/u-boot.bin" "${BOOT_DIR}/u-boot.bin" printf "\n# boot u-boot kernel\nkernel=u-boot.bin\n" >> "${BOOT_DIR}/config.txt" # Install and setup U-Boot command file install_readonly files/boot/uboot.mkimage "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" printf "# Set the kernel boot command line\nsetenv bootargs \"earlyprintk ${CMDLINE}\"\n\n$(cat ${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage)" > "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" if [ "$ENABLE_INITRAMFS" = true ] ; then # Convert generated initramfs for U-Boot using mkimage chroot_exec /usr/sbin/mkimage -A "${KERNEL_ARCH}" -T ramdisk -C none -n "initramfs-${KERNEL_VERSION}" -d "/boot/firmware/initramfs-${KERNEL_VERSION}" "/boot/firmware/initramfs-${KERNEL_VERSION}.uboot" # Remove original initramfs file rm -f "${BOOT_DIR}/initramfs-${KERNEL_VERSION}" # Configure U-Boot to load generated initramfs printf "# Set initramfs file\nsetenv initramfs initramfs-${KERNEL_VERSION}.uboot\n\n$(cat ${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage)" > "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" printf "\nbootz \${kernel_addr_r} \${ramdisk_addr_r} \${fdt_addr_r}" >> "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" else # ENABLE_INITRAMFS=false # Remove initramfs from U-Boot mkfile sed -i '/.*initramfs.*/d' "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" if [ "$BUILD_KERNEL" = false ] ; then # Remove dtbfile from U-Boot mkfile sed -i '/.*dtbfile.*/d' "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" printf "\nbootz \${kernel_addr_r}" >> "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" else printf "\nbootz \${kernel_addr_r} - \${fdt_addr_r}" >> "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" fi fi # Set mkfile to use the correct dtb file sed -i "s/^\(setenv dtbfile \).*/\1${DTB_FILE}/" "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" # Set mkfile to use kernel image sed -i "s/^\(fatload mmc 0:1 \${kernel_addr_r} \).*/\1${KERNEL_IMAGE}/" "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" # Remove all leading blank lines sed -i "/./,\$!d" "${BOOT_DIR}/uboot.mkimage" # Generate U-Boot bootloader image chroot_exec /usr/sbin/mkimage -A "${KERNEL_ARCH}" -O linux -T script -C none -a 0x00000000 -e 0x00000000 -n "RPi${RPI_MODEL}" -d /boot/firmware/uboot.mkimage /boot/firmware/boot.scr # Remove U-Boot sources rm -fr "${R}/tmp/u-boot" fi