#!/bin/sh # # Build and Setup nexmon with monitor mode patch # # Load utility functions . ./functions.sh if [ "$ENABLE_NEXMON" = true ] && [ "$ENABLE_WIRELESS" = true ]; then # Copy existing nexmon sources into chroot directory if [ -n "$NEXMONSRC_DIR" ] && [ -d "$NEXMONSRC_DIR" ] ; then # Copy local U-Boot sources cp -r "${NEXMONSRC_DIR}" "${R}/tmp" else # Create temporary directory for nexmon sources temp_dir=$(as_nobody mktemp -d) # Fetch nexmon sources as_nobody git -C "${temp_dir}" clone "${NEXMON_URL}" # Copy downloaded nexmon sources mv "${temp_dir}/nexmon" "${R}"/tmp/ # Set permissions of the nexmon sources chown -R root:root "${R}"/tmp/nexmon # Remove temporary directory for nexmon sources rm -fr "${temp_dir}" fi # Set script Root export NEXMON_ROOT="${R}"/tmp/nexmon # Build nexmon firmware outside the build system, if we can. cd "${NEXMON_ROOT}" || exit # Make ancient isl build cd buildtools/isl-0.10 || exit ./configure make cd ../.. || exit # Disable statistics touch DISABLE_STATISTICS # Setup Enviroment: see https://github.com/NoobieDog/nexmon/blob/master/setup_env.sh export KERNEL="${KERNEL_IMAGE}" export ARCH=arm export SUBARCH=arm export CC="${NEXMON_ROOT}"/buildtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q2-linux-x86/bin/arm-none-eabi- export CC="${CC}"gcc export CCPLUGIN="${NEXMON_ROOT}"/buildtools/gcc-nexmon-plugin/nexmon.so export ZLIBFLATE="zlib-flate -compress" export Q=@ export NEXMON_SETUP_ENV=1 export HOSTUNAME=$(uname -s) export PLATFORMUNAME=$(uname -m) # Make nexmon make # build patches if [ "$RPI_MODEL" = 0 ] || [ "$RPI_MODEL" = 3 ] ; then cd "${NEXMON_ROOT}"/patches/bcm43430a1/7_45_41_46/nexmon || exit sed -i -e 's/all:.*/all: $(RAM_FILE)/g' ${NEXMON_ROOT}/patches/bcm43430a1/7_45_41_46/nexmon/Makefile make clean # We do this so we don't have to install the ancient isl version into /usr/local/lib on systems. LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${NEXMON_ROOT}"/buildtools/isl-0.10/.libs make ARCH="${KERNEL_ARCH}" CC="${NEXMON_ROOT}"/buildtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q2-linux-x86/bin/arm-none-eabi- # copy RPi0W & RPi3 firmware mv "${WLAN_FIRMWARE_DIR}"/brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin "${WLAN_FIRMWARE_DIR}"/brcmfmac43430-sdio.org.bin cp "${NEXMON_ROOT}"/patches/bcm43430a1/7_45_41_46/nexmon/brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin "${WLAN_FIRMWARE_DIR}"/brcmfmac43430-sdio.nexmon.bin cp -f "${NEXMON_ROOT}"/patches/bcm43430a1/7_45_41_46/nexmon/brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin "${WLAN_FIRMWARE_DIR}"/brcmfmac43430-sdio.bin fi if [ "$RPI_MODEL" = 3P ] || [ "$RPI_MODEL" = 4 ] ; then cd "${NEXMON_ROOT}"/patches/bcm43455c0/7_45_154/nexmon || exit sed -i -e 's/all:.*/all: $(RAM_FILE)/g' ${NEXMON_ROOT}/patches/bcm43455c0/7_45_154/nexmon/Makefile make clean # We do this so we don't have to install the ancient isl version into /usr/local/lib on systems. LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${NEXMON_ROOT}/buildtools/isl-0.10/.libs make ARCH="${KERNEL_ARCH}" CC="${NEXMON_ROOT}"/buildtools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_4-2016q2-linux-x86/bin/arm-none-eabi- # RPi3B+ firmware mv "${WLAN_FIRMWARE_DIR}"/brcmfmac43455-sdio.bin "${WLAN_FIRMWARE_DIR}"/brcmfmac43455-sdio.org.bin cp "${NEXMON_ROOT}"/patches/bcm43455c0/7_45_154/nexmon/brcmfmac43455-sdio.bin "${WLAN_FIRMWARE_DIR}"/brcmfmac43455-sdio.nexmon.bin cp -f "${NEXMON_ROOT}"/patches/bcm43455c0/7_45_154/nexmon/brcmfmac43455-sdio.bin "${WLAN_FIRMWARE_DIR}"/brcmfmac43455-sdio.bin fi #Revert to previous directory cd "${WORKDIR}" || exit # Remove nexmon sources rm -fr "${NEXMON_ROOT}" fi