# # Setup APT repositories # # Load utility functions . ./functions.sh # Install and setup APT proxy configuration if [ -z "$APT_PROXY" ] ; then install_readonly files/apt/10proxy "${ETC_DIR}/apt/apt.conf.d/10proxy" sed -i "s/\"\"/\"${APT_PROXY}\"/" "${ETC_DIR}/apt/apt.conf.d/10proxy" fi if [ "$BUILD_KERNEL" = false ] ; then if [ "$RPI_MODEL" = 2 ] ; then # Install APT pinning configuration for flash-kernel package install_readonly files/apt/flash-kernel "${ETC_DIR}/apt/preferences.d/flash-kernel" # Install APT sources.list install_readonly files/apt/sources.list "${ETC_DIR}/apt/sources.list" echo "deb ${COLLABORA_URL} ${RELEASE} rpi2" >> "${ETC_DIR}/apt/sources.list" # Upgrade collabora package index and install collabora keyring chroot_exec apt-get -qq -y update chroot_exec apt-get -qq -y --allow-unauthenticated install collabora-obs-archive-keyring # if RPI_MODEL = [0] || [1] || [1P] else echo "error: ATM there is just a precompiled kernel for model 2"; # insert apt configuration for precompiled kernel repository for RPI 0,1,1P fi else # BUILD_KERNEL=true #autconfigure best apt server to not spam ftp.debian.org rm files/apt/sources.list #netselect-apt does not know buster yet if [ "$RELEASE" = "buster" ] ; then RLS = "testing" fi if [ "$ENABLE_NONFREE" ] ; then netselect-apt --arch "$RELEASE_ARCH" --sources --nonfree --outfile "${ETC_DIR}/apt/sources.list" -d "$RELEASE" else netselect-apt --arch "$RELEASE_ARCH" --sources --nonfree --outfile "${ETC_DIR}/apt/sources.list" -d "$RELEASE" fi fi # Allow the installation of non-free Debian packages if [ "$ENABLE_NONFREE" = true ] ; then sed -i "s/ contrib/ contrib non-free/" "${ETC_DIR}/apt/sources.list" fi # Upgrade package index and update all installed packages and changed dependencies chroot_exec apt-get -qq -y update chroot_exec apt-get -qq -y -u dist-upgrade if [ "$APT_INCLUDES_LATE" ] ; then chroot_exec apt-get -qq -y install $(echo $APT_INCLUDES_LATE |tr , ' ') fi if [ -d packages ] ; then for package in packages/*.deb ; do cp $package ${R}/tmp chroot_exec dpkg --unpack /tmp/$(basename $package) done fi chroot_exec apt-get -qq -y -f install chroot_exec apt-get -qq -y check